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Social Justice and Inclusion

Building leadership and strengthening voice of the excluded communities

About the theme

“Leadership is not a postion or title,it action or example of success” The empowerment of women constitutes an integral part of a country’s progress. Rights-based advocacy and literacy are critical to overall development along with health and nutrition. Women from marginalised communities in rural areas continue to face societal restrictions while going about daily activities. They often are unaware of their property rights, and there is no one to advocate for them either. The JGVS seek to empower women through education and opportunities for sustainable livelihood. The Our team are seeking to provide functional literacy to vulnerable women by furnishing them with the tools to take on daily challenges. In order to build leadership among marginalised communities where no such leadership exists, The JGVS’ Leadership Development Programme was initiated by 32 leaders in 100 villages across GHAZIPUR districts; the outreach covered more than 5,000 single women, out of whom 427 single women were identified and trained. Community-level governance processes such as NARI SANG were created, to JGVS for deal with community issues. Out of the 144 issues raised by the community, the NARI SANG have resolved 70. Another key achievement of the programme lies in providing access to government schemes to single women. About 2,754 single women have been linked to appropriate schemes. Single women have also been taught to realise their property rights – 36 of them (inclusive of widowed, destitute, women separated from their family due to domestic violence) successfully fought for their rights. Around 1500 cases of domestic violence have been registered in JAKHANIYA where this programme was implemented.

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By John Snow in Webdesign

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